Learn What it Takes to get the Promotion and to Earn the Respect, Trust, and Confidence of Your Team Once You Attain the Promotion.

Dear Future Sergeant,

Do you know what your Chief (or Sheriff) is looking for in a sergeant? Do you know how to make yourself stand out as the obvious choice for promotion?

You have previously participated in a promotional testing process and were not selected.

You are a great cop, yet the Chief did not select you for promotion, instead other (maybe less qualified) candidate(s) were promoted.

Or Maybe,
This is your first time taking the test and you don’t know where to start and failure to earn the promotion is simply not an option for you.

Are you aware that there are some universal truths that your command staff will generally not share with you regarding promotion?

Learn What it Takes to Dominate the Promotional Testing Process From a Former Police Chief—One Who Has Actually Made Promotional Decisions 

Imagine walking into the promotional testing process feeling extremely confident in your preparation while knowing that you are ready to take on a leadership position once you are promoted.

The prepared candidate knows that their prior work performance is not enough to carry them to the top of the promotional list.

The successful candidate understands that getting a promotion involves so much more than being great at your current job.

The prepared candidate knows that the skills that make a person great at their present rank are not necessarily the same skills that will make a person successful at the next level.
The successful candidate knows what a police chief is looking for in a first line leader long before walking into the promotional testing process.

The prepared candidate understands what it takes to dominate the promotional testing process and has developed the skills necessary to prove it. 

Why This Might Not Be For You!

Before I tell you about the program, let me tell you who this is not for. A position of leadership in any law enforcement agency is not for everyone. This is not for you if you aren’t committed to personal and professional development. This isn’t for you if you aren’t disciplined enough to lead yourself effectively to earn the right to lead others when promoted. 

This isn’t for you if you are unwilling to put the needs of your team above your own personal wants and desires. This is also not for you if you are not willing to take action (do the necessary work) on the proven promotional testing success principles that will be presented during the program.

Finally, this isn’t for you if you currently aren’t an excellent cop and an excellent team member, because implementing the promotional testing processes that I will share with you, will accelerate your promotion to sergeant, and we all know some people have no business in a leadership position.

Still with me? Great, Let’s Talk About How You Can Learn The Law Enforcement Promotion Secrets

Get Step-By-Step Coaching on Proven Methods for Testing Success!

APPLY NOW to join our next on-line group coaching course that walks you through every step necessary to dominate the sergeant’s promotional process.

In the course you will have an opportunity to work directly with former Police Chief Dan Pratt. You will have an opportunity to get your questions answered and learn how to put The Bulletproof Interview Method into action. 

Are you ready to learn:
  • Specific, proven methods for testing success from a former Police Chief, who knows what makes an applicant stand out above the crowd?
  • Practical skills and strategies to position yourself for a leadership role in the eyes of your bosses and peers long before a promotional opportunity is even available?
  • ​How to begin implementing the 8 Pillars of Promotional Success?
  • ​The 10 Interview Commandments?
  • ​How to prepare for the testing process using The Bulletproof Interview Method?

Excel in Promotional Testing and Rise as an Outstanding Law Enforcement Leader!

This course is packed with invaluable insight and actionable tactics to excel, not only on a promotional test but as a leader once the promotion is attained.

However, I won’t work with just anyone. That is the wonderful thing about being semi-retired—I get to choose who to work with. 

And I choose to only work with those people that I believe have the desire and ability to be an excellent law enforcement leader and are willing to put in the work necessary to not only excel during the promotional testing process, but to be an outstanding leader within your agency once you get that promotion.

I believe that our profession and your agency need leaders in positions of leadership, not pretenders, not those who are willing to accept mediocrity or don’t possess the integrity, or intestinal fortitude necessary to be the leader your agency needs. 
Complete the below application and we will get back with you and provide details about how to join the next course. 
Full Name: *
Email Address: *
Size Of Your Agency: *
When is the next promotional test? *
Do you own a copy of Law Enforcement Promotion Secrets? *
(this is a prerequisite)
Tell me why you became a  law enforcement officer: *
Tell me why you want to become a first line leader (sergeant): *
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